14 Aug

Nutmeg and Pepper are always here to help plan your event... find out our 5 top tips for planning your event date.

When planning your events you need to take more and more into consideration today. Remember all Event Providers from Event Space to Caterer require more notice these day due to Covid backlog, restrictions with suppliers and the closure of some vendors over the past 2 1/2 years.

1. Plan as far in advance as you can - allowing more notice of your event to Vendors can ensure that you will have the choices you want and the supplier you want. 

2. Make sure you know your approximate number of guests (or at least your minimum) and approach the vendor with the questions about number increases closer to the time plus any requirements they need if your numbers go up to your full list of invitees.

3. If you want your event to be successful we recommend to book at least 6 months in advance but if you don't have this type of time frame then start a list now and work your way down. Remembering that even though you may be back to normal with your job some Vendors are still dealing with supply shortage, delays in deliveries and other challenges. We want to provide everything you require for your event and time is crucial.

4. Creating the perfect atmosphere at your Event requires Music, Lighting, Food, Beverage and of course add in your guests... giving your guests at least 3 months notice is an opportunity for a great turn out. This is just as important as booking Vendors, with all our day to day/sports/family commitments, providing a deadline to RSVP will show better attendance. Mentioning that you will require there dietary needs will also place in their minds that you are supplying food and require a solid confirmation, after all, you are paying for the Catering.

5. Making sure your deposits are paid for each vendor will commit the Vendor to your date. Please read each vendors fine print if you do decide to cancel for any given reason and when the final payment will be due for the event to proceed.

For more information feel free to phone us on 0483830183 or email nutmegandpepper@outlook.com 

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